September 01, 2021

PASSED: Rep. Ruben Gallego NDAA Amendments Approved by House Armed Services Committee

WASHINGTON, DC—Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) today proudly announced the passage of two provisions to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

"Protecting American interests abroad and at home is key to ensuring our country's advantage over our strategic competitors. Whether it's training Special Operations Forces to be prepared for the conflicts of tomorrow, creating a robust ‘lab to fab' sector for microelectronics, or reaffirming our support to our South Korean allies, these amendments are crucial at maintaining this advantage. I'm grateful for the support by my Armed Services colleagues for these amendments," said Rep. Ruben Gallego.

The approved amendments include language that involves the following:

  • National Network for Microelectronics Development. Rep. Gallego's amendment strengthens the U.S. semiconductor supply chain by requiring the Department of Defense to establish a national network for microelectronics research and development. It also directs the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on efforts to establish a national network for microelectronics research and development.
  • Special Operations Forces Technical Skills. This amendment prioritizes the cultivation of technical skills for Special Operations Forces, including computer programming, psychological operations, and foreign language proficiency, which are all essential to the conduct of irregular warfare. Recruiting, enhancing, and retaining personnel with these skills within Special Operations Forces will help the Defense Department proactively posture against malign influence.
