September 02, 2021

House Passes FY 2022 NDAA with Key Gallego Provisions

WASHINGTON, DC—After a marathon mark-up of the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the House Armed Services Committee advanced the NDAA, which contained many provisions proposed by Rep Gallego, including his Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations' portion of the bill and $175 million in funding to support the Baltic Security Initiative.

"The bipartisan passage by the Armed Services committee of this year's National Defense Authorization Act was a recommitment to our military and their families, our allies and partners, and our national security," said Rep. Ruben Gallego. "I'm pleased by committee's adoption of several of my key provisions, including the bipartisan adoption of the portion of the bill I authored as Chair of the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations, along with Ranking Member Trent Kelly. The final bill also includes numerous provisions I led on to strengthen our alliances and partnerships, require congressional notification of the use of force, establish an office to investigate unidentified aerial phenomenon, and help secure 5G technologies of our allies abroad. I am equally pleased at the inclusion of $175 million for the Baltic Security Initiative, which is essential to deterring Russia and reaffirming the NATO alliance. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House to pass these provisions into law."

Rep. Gallego Provisions included in FY2022 NDAA:

  • Baltic Security Initiative. Initially included in the Chairman's Mark of the NDAA, $175 million in authorized funding will provide assistance with respect to air defense; maritime situational awareness; ammunition; Command, Control, Communications, Computers (C4) Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) (C4ISR); anti-tank capabilities; special forces; and other defense capabilities to the ensure the security of the Baltic nations of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, which are critical to the security of the NATO alliance.
  • Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The provision establishes an office to carry out the mission currently performed by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force (in coordination with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence) and submit an annual report on unidentified aerial phenomena.
  • Congressional notification of use of force. Rep. Gallego's provision requires the President to submit a report on hostilities involving U.S. forces to the Defense and Foreign Affairs Committees no later than 48 hours after any incident in which U.S. forces are involved.
  • Securing allies' 5G networks to prevent malign influence from strategic competitors like China, Russia, and their state-owned and affiliated companies. Rep. Gallego's amendment directs the Secretary of Defense to provide details to Congress on existing United States efforts to help NATO allies secure national 5G communications networks and opportunities and challenges to expanding those efforts.
  • Support our alliance with South Korea. Rep. Gallego's amendment reiterates that the presence of 28,500 United States Armed Forces in South Korea serves as a strong deterrent against North Korean military aggression and as reassurance for our allies in the region.
  • National Network for Microelectronics Development. Rep. Gallego's amendment strengthens the U.S. semiconductor supply chain by requiring the Department of Defense to establish a national network for microelectronics research and development. It also directs the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on efforts to establish a national network for microelectronics research and development.
  • Reaffirming Support for Taiwan. Rep. Gallego successfully pushed for language in the bill that expresses the Sense of Congress that the United States should continue to support the development of the capable, ready, and modern defense forces necessary for Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability.
  • Support for the A-10. Rep. Gallego's bipartisan amendment adds $100 million in funding for upgrading the A-10 fleet to ensure it can continue to provide unparalleled close air support to our troops for years to come.
  • Special Operations Forces Technical Skills. This amendment prioritizes the cultivation of technical skills for Special Operations Forces, including computer programming, psychological operations, and foreign language proficiency, which are all essential to the conduct of irregular warfare. Recruiting, enhancing, and retaining personnel with these skills within Special Operations Forces will help the Defense Department proactively posture against malign influence.


Rep. Ruben Gallego is a Marine Corps combat veteran who served in Iraq. He serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Natural Resources Committee, and the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.