December 23, 2022

Gallego, Local Leaders Celebrate More Than $28M in Community Project Funding Coming to Arizona’s 7th Congressional District

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-07) proudly announced $28,416,734 in Community Project Funding coming to Arizona’s 7th congressional district, representing 14 total projects Rep. Gallego secured as part of the final 2023 appropriations government funding package.

“My office had incredible success with the CPF program last year, working with local leaders to secure $8.6 million in Community Project Funding for our district. I am immensely proud we followed up this year with more than $28 million in CPF funding, representing investments that will do everything from build housing for homeless veterans to increase access to higher education and provide mental health services for children,” said Rep. Gallego. “Thank you to all our partners in the community who worked tirelessly with my office to submit their proposals, and I look forward to seeing how these projects will make a difference in our district."

The CPF program was implemented last year, allowing members of Congress to submit no more than 10 eligible requests to set aside funds within specific federal accounts for certain projects proposed by public institutions, localities, states, Tribes, or non-profits. For Fiscal Year 2023, members were permitted to submit 15 requests for community projects in their district. Rep. Gallego submitted 15 requests on behalf of his district, 14 of which received funding from Congress.

“Tanner Community Development Corporation (TCDC) in partnership with Tanner Properties plans to build a series of Tiny Homes in the South Mountain Village and Central Phoenix areas for homeless veterans,” said Kerwin V. Brown, Executive Director, Tanner Community Development Corporation. “This project will allow homeless veterans the opportunity to re-integrate back into society and the community as respected and productive citizens. With the help of Community Project Funding, TCDC will be able to start the development of this important project in 2023.

“The funding for the Greater Phoenix Urban League Building Replacement project will allow us to secure a state-of-the-art facility that would better meet the needs of our clients,” said Jerry J. McPherson, Director of Economic Engagement, Greater Phoenix Urban League. “Community members from economically disadvantaged communities will not only receive employment assistance, job skills training and much needed wrap-around services like HeadStart, housing assistance, SNAP, CHIP and Medicare - all underneath one roof. This new facility will also house an Empowerment Center, which would serve as a hub for small business owners to get the tools and resources to grow their operations.”

“Homelessness continues to be on the rise across the country,” said Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego. “One significant barrier to getting folks off the streets and into shelters and housing is the lack of a place to store their belongings. The funding for this project means the City of Phoenix can create the opportunity for people experiencing unsheltered homelessness to store their belongings, while in the process of becoming housed. I am grateful to Rep. Gallego for seeing the importance of this project and helping ensure the spending bill includes this necessary funding.”

“This is wonderful news for our staff and patients. These funds will help us provide enhanced care to the South Phoenix community and we are thankful to Congressman Gallego and his office for their support,” said Dr. John Swagert, Mountain Park Health Center’s CEO.

"It's an honor for St. Vincent de Paul Phoenix to be chosen for this funding and an affirmation of the important work we're doing in our community to prevent and end homelessness for as many people as possible," said SVdP's Rob and Melani Walton Endowed CEO Shannon Clancy. "We're incredibly grateful for this financial support of another dormitory-style housing program that offers an additional 100 beds for seniors, veterans and adults with disabilities who have become homeless. Not only will they have a safe place to sleep, but also wraparound services and a support system to regain stability as they find a new home of their own."

“CBI is fortunate and humbled to be considered for funding as we continue our commitment to delivering services at the community level," said John Hogeboom, the President and CEO of Community Bridges. "Our Central City Addiction Recovery Center (CCARC) has been a full-service substance use and behavioral health crisis center in Central Phoenix since 2001. The ability to further incorporate Trauma Informed Design through renovations will allow us to create additional space that fosters restorative safety and healing for community members who struggle with addiction and mental health.”

“It is a critical point in time to help young adults gain education and skills required for the 21st century job market,” said Jenna Cooper, Vice President, Community Relations, Valley of the Sun YMCA. “The YMCA is excited to expand our workforce development program with this funding as hundreds of individuals will gain employment and many companies will have competitive talent to recruit.”

“Osborn Pointe, Native American Connections’ shovel ready project, will add 48 supportive housing units for many of our most vulnerable citizens including seniors, veterans, and people with health and mental health issues needing the wraparound care and services that help provide each person with safety, stability, and opportunities for self-sufficient future,” said Diana Yazzie Devine, CEO/President, Native American Connections. “Native American Connections, with its 50-year history of providing affordable and permanent supportive housing, culturally appropriate integrated health and shelter services, is deeply grateful to Congressman Ruben Gallego, and to Congress for their consideration and advancement of the Congressional Project Funding request for Osborn Pointe, a long-term solution for a growing crisis”

“On behalf of the Town of Guadalupe, I extend our sincere thanks to Congressman Ruben Gallego for his leadership and diligence in securing full funding for Guadalupe’s wastewater system rehabilitation project,” said Guadalupe Mayor Valerie Molina. “This funding will allow us to complete repairs and replacement of deteriorating and aging sewer lines which will improve the public health and safety in Guadalupe. We are grateful for Congressman Gallego’s ongoing commitment to our community.”

“More than ever, our young people are struggling to manage stress and their mental health; and we know that access to care, transportation, and costs can keep kids and parents from receiving the care they need,” said Marcia Mintz, President and CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley. “This funding will support Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley and Terros Health’s partnership to bring these services directly into the Clubs. Thousands of young people will receive life skills including preventive care, social and emotional coping skills, and build resilience for the future.  We are grateful for Congressman Ruben Gallego’s recognition of the the urgent need for behavioral health services for young people, especially in under-resourced communities.  His early support of this unique partnership will help ensure its success.”

“The City of Glendale is incredibly grateful that Congress included a $1,339,000 appropriation in the Transportation-HUD final bill to complete the Glendale Community Centers Digital Equity Initiative,” said Jerry Weiers, Mayor of the City of Glendale. “Thank you, Congressman Gallego for championing this request in the United States House of Representatives! During the past 16 years of working with Congressman Gallego, I have witnessed his continued commitment and dedication to his district and to the state of Arizona.”

City of Tolleson Mayor Juan Rodriguez stated: “We thank Representative Gallego for his steadfast advocacy in securing $3.5 million for the 91st Avenue Pedestrian Bridge. This corridor has been the scene of many pedestrian accidents.  This new bridge will allow city residents, including school children, to safely cross this busy and dangerous intersection.  We applaud Rep. Gallego’s leadership in pursuit of this important project and are grateful for his continued support for our City’s priorities.” 

“With inflation at a 40-year high, St. Mary’s Food Bank’s largest food pantry, the Knight Transportation Community Services Center, located in the Maryvale neighborhood in Phoenix, has seen a steep increase of 65% more people coming for help than a year ago at the same time,” said Tom Kertis, President and CEO for St. Mary’s Food Bank. “There is an immediate and urgent need to renovate this facility that serves 20,000 households per month, providing fresh produce, meat, dairy, bread, and non-perishable food to people in need. The remodel will double the center’s cooler and freezer space, remodel the receiving dock to include temperature-controlled dock doors for enhanced food safety, install outdoor awnings with cooling and heating systems to protects clients, volunteers, and employees from harsh weather, and modify the property to improve and streamline traffic flow.”

You can learn more about the CPF program on the House Appropriations Committee website here.

Full list of funded CPF projects:

Project Name: Tanner Thomas Tiny Homes for Homeless Veterans

Recipient: Tanner Community Development Corporation

Recipient Address: 700 E Jefferson St #200, Phoenix, AZ 85034

Amount Funded: $2,883,950

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to construct 35 tiny homes with an accompanying community services building in South Phoenix to provide permanent, supportive housing for veterans experiencing homelessness. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because there is high demand for homelessness services and affordable housing in the Phoenix area, and veterans are at high risk for experiencing homelessness. These new homes will allow veterans experiencing homelessness to access housing that has a low barrier to entry and receive wrap-around services such as nutrition, health, and workforce development services.


Project Name:  Greater Phoenix Urban League Building Replacement

Recipient: Greater Phoenix Urban League

Recipient Address: 1402 S. 7th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Amount Funded: $4,000,000

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to build an expanded and updated Greater Phoenix Urban League (GPUL) headquarters facility, addressing issues of pest infestation, foundation damage, updated code requirements, and normal wear on the existing building which was donated in January 1972. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because it will support expansion of GPUL’s existing programs through the construction of an Entrepreneurship Center, a Workforce Development and Training Center, a full-scale Head Start classroom facility, a food pantry, and a dedicated office for Maricopa County Women Infant and Children (WIC) and SNAP/AHCCCS services.


Project Name: Whole Child Approach (WCA) Program

Recipient: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley

Recipient Address: 4309 East Belleview Street, Bldg. 14, Phoenix, AZ 85008

Amount Funded: $1,000,000


Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used for Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley (BGCAZ) to expand its Whole Child Approach (WCA) Program. BGCAZ, in partnership with Terros Health, will provide children ages 5-17 at 12 Boys & Girls Clubs located in District 7 with age-appropriate, evidence-based Social Emotional Learning curricula and trauma-informed integrated behavioral health services. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because it will allow BGCAZ to better serve Arizona youth throughout the Valley, many of whom lack critical access to mental health support and were disproportionately socially and emotionally impacted by COVID-19.


Project Name: Glendale Community Centers Digital Equity Initiative

Recipient: City of Glendale

Recipient Address: 5850 W. Glendale Ave. Glendale AZ 85301

Amount Funded: $1,339,000

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to connect three community centers in the 85301 ZIP code to high-speed internet and to retrofit the community centers with Wi-Fi-enabled devices and technology equipment including monitors, televisions, computers, laptops, tablets, 3D printers, and coding software. This is a good use of taxpayer funding because it will help close the digital divide in one of the most economically disadvantaged ZIP codes in the state and allow the City of Glendale to expand many of its existing youth education after school programs, adult job training programs, and housing, nutrition, and healthcare support services programing.


Project Name: Phoenix Homelessness Support Initiative

Recipient: City of Phoenix

Recipient Address: 200 W. Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85003

Amount Funded: $1,963,927

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to provide secure storage space for individuals experiencing homelessness to safely store their personal items while working or seeking work, receiving services, or attending to personal matters. The storage will be located at the existing Human Services Campus at 9th Ave. and Jackson St. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because the City of Phoenix is experiencing increased need for homelessness services and allowing individuals experiencing homelessness a secure place to store their items will help encourage them to utilize services and provide them stability as they search for permanent housing.


Project Name: Tolleson Pedestrian Bridge System

Recipient: City of Tolleson

Recipient Address:9555 W. Van Buren St., Tolleson, AZ 85353

Amount Funded: $3,500,000

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to design and build overhead pedestrian bridges in downtown Tolleson across 91st Avenue just south of Van Buren St. and across Van Buren St at 95th Ave. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because it will increase pedestrian safety, which is particularly important in this area because Arizona District 7 ranks among the highest in the country for traffic-related pedestrian harm and because these bridges will allow for safer and more convenient access from the East and from the North to Tolleson Union High School, as well as the Tolleson Library and Civic Center beginning in October 2022.


Project Name: Central City Addiction Recovery Center (CCARC) Renovation

Recipient: Community Bridges, Inc.

Recipient Address: 1855 W. Baseline Suite 101, Mesa, AZ 85202

Amount Funded: $1,000,000

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to renovate Community Bridges’ Central City Addiction Recovery Center (CCARC) by using trauma-informed design principles to improve crisis center capacity and productivity. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because CCARC is a full-service urgent psychiatric center providing behavioral health, substance abuse and co-occurring outpatient services to over 6,000 patients per year and is a critical safety net for City of Phoenix emergency services. This project will upgrade this community resource amid an uptick in mental illness and substance abuse in the community and foster restorative safety and healing that supports patient recovery and staff wellness and productivity.


Project Name: 100-Bed Transitional Community for People Experiencing Homelessness

Recipient: Diocesan Council for the Society of St Vincent de Paul Diocese Phoenix

Recipient Address: 420 W Watkins Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85003

Amount Funded: $750,000

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to help build 100 new transitional housing beds for people experiencing homelessness in South Phoenix. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because there is high need for homelessness services in the Phoenix area. The neighborhood where the facility will be located has seen homelessness double since December 2021 and this new facility will allow St. Vincent de Paul to provide the wrap-around services needed to help 150+ residents per year achieve permanent housing.


Project Name: Mountain Park Health Center Baseline 635 Clinic Renovation

Recipient: Mountain Park Health Center

Recipient Address: 3003 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1600, Phoenix, AZ 85012

Amount Funded: $ 3,000,000

Project Purpose and Explanation: These funds will be used to renovate Mountain Park’s nearly 30-year-old Baseline Clinic building, which is in a high-needs area of South Phoenix. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because it will allow Mountain Park more space to provide integrated services, including primary and behavioral care as well as nutritional services, and because it will enable Mountain Park to better serve its patients, 90 percent of whom are low-income individuals and the vast majority of whom are people of color.


Project Name: Osborn Pointe Homes

Recipient: Native American Connections

Recipient Address: 4520 N. Central Avenue, Suite 600, Phoenix, Arizona 85012

Amount Funded: $2,904,213

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to build a 48-unit affordable housing community designed to provide chronically homeless individuals with permanent, supportive housing in Midtown Phoenix. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because of the lack of permanent affordable housing options for low and no-income households in the Phoenix area. Native American Connections (NAC) is a premier affordable housing developer and behavioral health service provider in the state and will work with local, regional, and federal partners to provide residents at Osborn Pointe supportive services to ensure housing stability is achieved in the immediate and the long-term.


Project Name: Training Initiative to Mentor Entrepreneurs (TIME)

Recipient: Rehoboth Community Development Corporation

Recipient Address: 4432 W. Maryland Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301

Amount Funded: $203,124

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will allow Rehoboth to expand its successful Training Initiative to Mentor Entrepreneurs (TIME) program, which was started in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide technical assistance to minority micro entrepreneurs – businesses with 0-3 employees and less than $250,000 in annual revenues. This project is a good use of taxpayer funds because it will allow TIME to serve an additional 25 microenterprises through mentorship, business courses, and help accessing capital – one of the highest barriers faced by micro entrepreneurs – all while spurring the local economy.


Project Name: St. Mary’s Food Bank Community Services Center Renovation

Recipient: St. Mary's Food Bank

Recipient Address:2831 N. 31st Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85009

Amount Funded: $4,000,000

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to renovate St. Mary’s Knight Transportation Community Services Center, including remodeling the Center’s cooler/freezer to double storage capacity, installing outdoor awnings with cooling and heating systems to protect clients and employees from the elements, modifying the property design to streamline traffic flow and food pick-ups, and installing temperature-controlled receiving and loading dock doors for food safety and efficiency. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because it will allow St. Mary’s to continue meeting the elevated community need that has arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic and to prepare for potential future crises that could result in an even greater need for emergency food.


Project Name: Town of Guadalupe Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation

Recipient: Town of Guadalupe

Recipient Address: 9241 S. Avenida del Yaqui, Guadalupe, Arizona 85283

Amount Funded: $872,520

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to improve Guadalupe’s Wastewater Collection System based on a 2019 assessment that found that 25 percent of the system required rehabilitation. This project consists of upgrading eleven sanitary sewer access manholes and 4,669 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe using Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) liner, and 96 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe using open cut excavation repair. This is a good use of taxpayer funding because it will allow the entire population of Guadalupe to experience the health and safety benefits of reliable sewer collection service for years to come.


Project Name: Valley of the Sun YMCA Y-Achievers Workforce Development for Arizona Opportunity Youth

Recipient: Valley of the Sun YMCA

Recipient Address: 350 North 1st Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85003

Amount Funded: $1,000,000

Project Purpose and Explanation: This funding will be used to expand the Valley of the Sun YMCA’s Y-Achievers Workforce Development program to serve an additional 500 youth annually by adding case managers in the areas of Chris-Town, Alhambra, Tolleson, Guadalupe, Central Phoenix, and South Phoenix. Case managers will utilize a consistent evaluation process to assess and assist each youth and provide wrap-around services to meet needs including service-learning opportunities, work readiness training, assistance with financial aid for post-secondary education, life skills and leadership workshops, entrepreneurial learning opportunities, job search support, and paid internships. This is a good use of taxpayer funds because it will support youth who face significant challenges to academic, job, and life success, including youth who are aging out of the foster care system, pregnant or parenting, homeless, low-income, disabled, high school dropouts, or in the juvenile justice system.


Rep. Ruben Gallego is a Marine Corps combat veteran who served in Iraq. He serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Natural Resources Committee, and the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.