December 12, 2022

Rep. Gallego Leads Bipartisan Congressional Delegation to Ukraine

WASHINGTON, DC - Over the weekend, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), a Marine Corps combat veteran and Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations, led a bipartisan congressional delegation to Ukraine.

“A year ago, when we feared Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine, I led a delegation to make sure our partners in Ukraine had the resources they needed to fight any further incursion by Putin. One year later, we went back, and I was moved to witness firsthand the resilience and drive of the Ukrainian people as they defend their homeland,” said Rep. Ruben Gallego. “As we work to pass a Ukrainian aid package before the end of this Congress, I am more committed than ever to fight and ensure Ukraine gets the arms and resources it needs to protect its democracy.”

Members of Congress on the congressional delegation traveling with Rep. Gallego included Reps. Salud Carbajal (D-CA), Joe Wilson (R-SC), Sara Jacobs (D-CA), and Seth Moulton (D-MA). All five Representatives are members of the House Armed Services Committee.

The delegation first traveled to Poland, where they met with U.S. troops deployed to the region, and then to Ukraine, where they met with members of the Ukrainian government in Kyiv.

“This past weekend was an important opportunity for me and my colleagues on the House Armed Services Committee to not only reaffirm our commitment to our Polish allies and visit with American servicemembers stationed there, but also to see firsthand the human costs of Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and ongoing aggression against Ukraine,” said Congressman Carbajal. “Our bipartisan delegation met with Ukraine’s civilian and military leaders as well as everyday Ukrainians—all of whom wielded a resolve to defeat their invaders that is undeterred by the rapidly-descending winter. The tenacity of their grit and their hope impressed us all. As we return on this critical week for finalizing our government spending bills, I am committed to sharing that determination and their stories in order to impress upon all of my Congressional colleagues the continuing need to support Ukraine through humanitarian and security assistance from both the U.S. and our allies.”

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs said: “As we head into winter, a united international coalition – led by the U.S. – is more important than ever to ensuring Ukraine’s continued success in defending itself against Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified invasion. I was grateful to be back in Ukraine with my colleagues to meet with embassy and defense officials and to reiterate the United States’ strong support for Ukraine – through weapons, economic aid, humanitarian assistance, and assistance with war crimes investigations.”

“Fundamentally, the purpose of this trip was to learn firsthand how the United States can continue to best support Ukraine,” said Rep. Seth Moulton. “What we witnessed on the ground in Kyiv was remarkable resilience, accountability, and determination. While no one is under any illusion that this war will end soon, it is critical that we plan both for the needs of the moment and for the longer term. This includes continuing to send the right military aid—and quickly—to the frontlines. It also means thinking ahead about how to help Ukraine rebuild.”

“I was grateful for the opportunity to have just returned from Poland and Ukraine on a bipartisan, Congressional delegation, where we met with those directly involved in the fight for freedom against War Criminal Putin,” said Rep. Joe Wilson. “Though Putin’s cowardly attacks have resulted in the murder of thousands of Ukrainian citizens, the torture of countless others, and destruction of critical infrastructure, the wonderful people of Ukraine are resilient and they have the full support of the U.S. and allies around the world.”

Last December, Rep. Gallego led another bipartisan congressional delegation to Ukraine amidst heightened tension with Russia—before the invasion–where they met with members of Ukraine's government and Special Forces.


Rep. Ruben Gallego is a Marine Corps combat veteran who served in Iraq. He serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Natural Resources Committee, and the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.