October 16, 2023

STATEMENT: Gallego Condemns Colombian President’s Antisemitic Comments

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03), the first Colombian American in Congress, released the following statement condemning Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s recent antisemitic comments. 

Statement from Rep. Ruben Gallego: 

“Israel continues to experience immense pain and sorrow from Hamas’ unprovoked attack. As days go by, more of the barbaric actions by Hamas are being uncovered—torturing, raping, and murdering Israeli children, women, and men. We must stand by Israel as it defends itself from these abhorrent attacks.  

“That is why, when I first read Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s comments attempting to link Israel to Naziism and the holocaust, I was shocked. His comments are antisemitic, and I strongly condemn them.  

“Tragically, Israel is all too familiar with Naziism's unspeakable evil and violence. He should be ashamed and immediately retract his comments. 

“It is critically important leaders in the U.S. and around the world stand with Israel and speak out against antisemitism; we cannot tolerate individuals who sympathize with terrorists like Hamas.”