October 18, 2023

Gallego Calls for Egypt to Support Safe Zones, Humanitarian Corridors in Southern Gaza

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) joined 106 of his colleagues from both sides of the aisle to send a letter calling on Egypt to work with the United States, Israel, and relevant international stakeholders to take all measured and appropriate steps to support and facilitate safe zones in southern Gaza and enable a steady supply of humanitarian assistance to flow from Egypt towards those in the safe zones until the civilian population is able to return to the north of the Gaza Strip.

“In order to protect noncombatants and civilians in Gaza from Hamas’s brutality, we call on the Egyptian government to urgently work with the United States, Israel, and relevant international stakeholders to 1) take all measured and appropriate steps to support and facilitate safe zones in southern Gaza and 2) enable a steady supply of humanitarian assistance to flow from Egypt towards those in the safe zones until the civilian population is able to return to the north of the Strip. We are optimistic that the international community will participate in providing financial assistance for this humanitarian situation, but Egypt’s robust participation is essential to the success and the safety and security of up to two million Gazans who are desperately in need of such support. Further, we call upon those states that have been long-standing intermediaries for Hamas, especially Qatar and Türkiye, to help as well,” the members wrote.

The members also reaffirmed their commit to support Israel as it defends itself and responds to Hamas’ heinous attacks writing, “Israel has the well-established right and responsibility to respond to these vicious attacks. We unequivocally support Israel’s right to defend itself, take necessary measures in support of its national security, and rescue the nearly 200 hostages currently being held in Gaza. As in previous conflicts, we also note that Israel’s military operations inside Gaza are designed to avoid civilian casualties. Israel has repeatedly encouraged innocent Gazans to leave Hamas locations and targets in the northern part of the  Strip and has established an intelligence driven process to target terrorist activity, limit civilian casualties, establish corridors for safe passage, and adhere to the laws of armed conflict.”

Full text of the letter can be found HERE.

As an Iraq war veteran with urban combat experience and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee for Intelligence and Special Operations, Rep. Gallego has spoken with Lawrence O’Donnell and Jen Psaki regarding the intelligence and support the U.S. must provide to Israel to help prevent civilian deaths.

Early this week, Rep. Gallego held a listening session with leadership from Arizona’s Jewish community, during which he heard from participants on their concerns, needs, and priorities related to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. He also updated the group on his efforts in Congress to support the United States’ longtime ally, Israel.

Last week, Rep. Gallego led a letter with Republican Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17) to include additional funding for FEMA’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) to help protect the American Jewish community from targeted hate crimes and domestic terrorism. He also called for the freezing of Iranian assets, including the $6 billion that was recently unfrozen in a prisoner swap. 

Also last week, Rep. Gallego joined a letter led by Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher (WI-08) calling for the Biden Administration to take specific actions on Iranian assets.

In the days after the Hamas terrorist attacks, Rep. Gallego held a one-on-one call with the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Michael Herzog, to discuss the Hamas terrorist attacks and how Congress intends to support Israel. 

Gallego also introduced a bipartisan resolution underscoring the United States’ support for Israel, condemning Hamas’ brutal war on Israel, and mourning those who were killed. 

Rep. Gallego initially released a statement condemning the attack, calling the unprovoked terrorist attacks by Hamas “alarming and horrifying.”