June 29, 2016

Rep. Ruben Gallego Joins Local Advocates to Call for Common Sense Gun Violence Prevention Measures on National Day of Action

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego joined local Arizona advocates to call on Congress to take action to prevent gun violence. The call took place on the recently-announced National Day of Action, when advocates and Members of Congress stood up together in communities across the country to ask their elected officials to pass legislation to save lives.

Rep. Ruben Gallego said, “I’m tired of seeing my Republican colleagues in Congress hold moments of silence for victims of gun violence, but then refuse to take action and make simple changes that could save lives and prevent the next tragedy. When Congress returns to Washington, D.C. on July 5, I hope my colleagues will finally step up and listen to the majority of American people who agree that we should take steps to reduce violence in our communities. America expects actions, not excuses. We need to act to save lives, honor the victims of gun violence, and keep our fellow Americans safe.”

Jennifer Longdon, President of Arizonans for Gun Safety, said, “The sit-in was not a publicity stunt, it was a moral imperative. As a result of gun violence, I have been sitting for 12 years. It’s time to move past the stalling tactics of the gun lobby and their strangle hold on the will of the American people. It’s time for action and I call upon our elected leaders to reflect the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe in sensible reforms.”

Geraldine Hills, Founder of Arizonans for Gun Safety, said, “I’m a lifelong Republican, but I will no longer support any candidate who opposes gun reforms. I know there are bipartisan, middle-ground, common sense things we can do.”

Mari Bailey, Chapter President of the Greater Phoenix Million Mom March (part of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence) said, “For every person killed by a gun in America, two others are wounded. We make it too easy for dangerous people to get guns. These politicians who are buckling to the corporate gun lobby snuck out of the People’s House at 3 in the morning to avoid a vote on live-saving bills. We’re going to hold them accountable. Enough is enough.”

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Co-Founder of the gun violence prevention organization Americans for Responsible Solutions also sent a message to Congressman Gallego and the community leaders on the call:

“Just one week after the historic sit-in on the House floor, leaders in Congress held yet another historic event to urge our elected officials in the U.S. House of Representatives to hold a vote on bipartisan legislation that protects the rights of law-abiding Americans, keeps guns out of the wrong hands, and saves lives. I want to thank Congressman Gallego for helping lead the fight against our nation’s gun violence crisis. Speaking is difficult for me. But I haven’t been silenced. And neither should the American people. Their Representatives must vote to make our communities safer.”