June 28, 2016

Rep. Ruben Gallego Helps the City of Phoenix Secure $1.5 Million Grant for Revitalization of the Edison-Eastlake Community

Washington, DC – The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced today that the City of Phoenix has been awarded a $1.5 million grant by the department’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative to spark economic development in the Edison-Eastlake community.

The funding will help the city to redevelop 577 units of obsolete public housing in the Edison-Eastlake community in order to revitalize the neighborhood and encourage private investment. This project will also help leverage existing investments the city is making in the area, including enhanced bus service and a feasibility study for a light rail stop in the neighborhood.

Rep. Ruben Gallego sent a letter in January to HUD Secretary Julián Castro in support of the City of Phoenix’s grant application.

Phoenix was one of 10 cities awarded a total of $8 million to help stimulate affordable housing and economic development through HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative. The initiative is a part of the Obama Administration’s effort to build “Ladders of Opportunity” to the middle class.

Rep. Gallego released the following statement:

“The Edison-Eastlake Choice Neighborhoods Community project has enormous potential to transform the area in order to make this neighborhood a better place to live and work. It will help the city to increase affordable housing options for Phoenix residents, and help to link residents to nearby schools, employment centers, and healthcare facilities.

“I want to congratulate the City of Phoenix on receiving this significant award, which will help it to make great strides toward revitalizing the Edison-Eastlake neighborhood.”