May 15, 2024

On Peace Officers Memorial Day, Gallego Pushes to Commemorate Officers Who Defended the Capitol on January 6th

WASHINGTON – On Peace Officers Memorial Day, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) is asking why a Congressionally mandated plaque honoring the officers who defended the Capitol on January 6, 2021, has not yet been installed. Rep. Gallego was on the House Floor defending Arizona’s election results when rioters attacked on January 6th and saw firsthand the heroic actions of Capitol Police, Metro Police, and other officers.

“Over 100 Capitol Police officers and dozens of Metropolitan Police officers were injured by violent rioters on January 6th, multiple officers committed suicide shortly after, and Officer Brian Sicknick died following his injuries sustained on the 6th,” Rep. Gallego writes. “To date, a plaque has yet to be erected on the Capitol grounds, falling short of our Congressionally mandated commitment to honor the immense sacrifices that these officers made to protect both our democracy and the safety of members of Congress.”

Section 214 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 requires the Architect of the Capitol to obtain an honorific plaque listing the names of all the officers who responded to the violence that occurred at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, and to place the plaque at a permanent location on the western front of the United States Capitol.

Two years later, with still no plaque, Rep. Gallego is asking the leadership of the House Appropriations and Administration Committees and the Architect of the Capitol the following questions:

  • What steps are being taken to install a plaque honoring the officers who defended the Capitol on January 6th?
  • Has a list of officers been provided by the House Appropriations Legislative Branch Subcommittee?
  • Are any additional resources or authorities needed to create and erect the memorial?
  • Have you had any conversations with the Architect of the Capitol or with Leadership of either chamber laying out a timeline for the project?