July 24, 2024

Gallego Statement on Phoenix VA OIG Report

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03), a Marine Corps combat veteran, released the following statement in response to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Internal Investigations (OIG) report on the 2023 death of a Phoenix VA Medical Center patient:

“Today’s OIG report reveals a disturbing lack of basic emergency care for our veterans, a dangerous emergency response policy at the VA, and a complete lack of accountability at Phoenix VA Medical Center. The fact that something as simple as vital signs were not taken at the beginning of the appointment is particularly shocking. As a veteran who has received care through the VA, it is disgraceful that more effort seems to have been put into covering for those responsible than saving a veteran’s life.”

You can learn more about Rep. Gallego’s work on veterans’ issues in his report: Supporting Arizona’s Veterans.