February 15, 2024

Gallego Meets with Army Chief of Staff, Stresses the Need to Support Arizona Soldiers

In the meeting, Rep. Gallego pushed for changes to better protect troops following the Tower 22 drone strike that injured members of Arizona National Guard's 158th Infantry Regiment

WASHINGTON — Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03), ranking member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations (ISO), today met with Chief of Staff of the Army, General Randy George, to discuss the Army’s focus areas and how the branch can continue to support Arizona soldiers both deployed abroad and at installations in Arizona, such as Fort Huachuca.

“As a Marine Corps combat veteran who served in Iraq, I know what our troops—deployed and at home in Arizona—need to carry out their missions. That’s why it was a pleasure to discuss with General George ways the Army can continue to best support our soldiers while also protecting our national security interests,” Rep. Gallego said.  


Following the Tower 22 attack on U.S. servicemembers in Jordan, Rep. Gallego released a statement underscoring his commitment to getting the Pentagon the resources needed to protect our troops in the region and hold Iran accountable. He released an additional statement following the news that Arizona National Guardsmen were injured in the Tower 22 attack.  

READ MORE: Lawmakers to Pentagon: Do a better job shooting down drones (Politico)

As the ranking member of ISO, Rep. Gallego supported and secured funding in last year’s NDAA for a range of Army programs and priorities, including: 

  • Integration/qualification of the T55-714C engine for the CH-47 
  • Apache modernization  
  • Requirement for a report on the operational assessment of installation defense capabilities to defeat UAS threats 

Additionally, over multiple years Rep. Gallego has also secured language supporting the 28,500 members of the armed forces, most of whom are Army soldiers, in the Republic of Korea to deter North Korean aggression.