October 25, 2023

Gallego Holds Call with Gas Pipeline Operator; Discusses Solutions to Lower Arizona Gas Prices

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As part of his continued efforts to lower gas prices for everyday Arizonans, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) today held a call with representatives from Kinder Morgan, the operator of the Santa Fe Petroleum Pipeline system, which includes the two lines that provide gas to Maricopa County. 

“Arizonans are paying more at the pump than the rest of Americans—that's unacceptable, and it’s why I’m working with industry leaders and state officials to find solutions to lower the price of gas,” said Rep. Gallego. “As a major gas pipeline supplier for our state, the decisions made by Kinder Morgan have a direct impact on the pocketbooks of everyday Arizonans. I discussed with Kinder Morgan’s leadership what can be done to lower the cost of gas in Arizona, and I look forward to continuing the dialogue with them to deliver needed relief Arizonans need.” 

Rep. Gallego’s call with Kinder is a continuation of his efforts to lower gas prices in Arizona. Earlier this year, Rep. Gallego urged President Biden and his administration to do everything in his authority to address rising gas prices affecting Arizona families, businesses, and communities. 

Last year, Rep. Gallego called on then-Arizona Governor Doug Duceyto use funds from the American Rescue Plan to provide relief from rising gas prices to Arizona families.