December 01, 2023

Gallego Connects with Fellow Arizona Veterans During Telephone Town Hall

WASHINGTON, DC – Last night, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) hosted a telephone town hall to discuss his efforts in Congress to support veterans and military families, discuss how his office can assist with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) claims, and share his experiences as a veteran navigating the VA.

“As an Iraq War combat veteran, I’ve seen firsthand how difficult it can be for veterans to access the benefits they earned, and how slow the government can be to fix those problems. Since my first day in Congress, I’ve fought to offer solutions to alleviate these frustrations,” said Rep. Gallego. “It was pleasure to connect with thousands of Arizona veterans and their families last night to update them on my work, share how Congress is expanding access to earned benefits, and answer their questions.”


Over 1,200 Arizonans joined the event, and Rep. Gallego was able to talk directly with multiple veterans and military family members and answer their questions.

Earlier this month, Rep. Gallego announced his support for additional legislation to improve the lives of Arizona veterans, service members, and their families.

In Congress, Rep. Gallego has successfully passed four bills into law that specifically support Arizona veterans. The bills include free, lifetime access to National Parks for veterans and Gold Star families, and help Native American veterans access their health care and education benefits.

Rep. Gallego was also a leading voice in working to pass the bipartisan Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act. The historic legislation provides health care to as many as 3.5 million veterans exposed to toxins during their service, and since its rollout, has already helped thousands of Arizona veterans and military families.

Read More: 'Peace of mind': For Arizona veterans exposed to toxins, health care benefits are finally here (AZCentral)

This is the second town hall Rep. Gallego has hosted this month. He also hosted a virtual town hall to highlight the Medicare Open Enrollment Period and help Arizona seniors navigate Medicare.