January 07, 2015

Ruben Gallego Is Sworn In As Representative From Arizona's 7th Congressional District

Washington, DC – Today, Ruben Gallego was sworn in as the Representative for Arizona's 7th Congressional District in the 114th Congress. Rep. Gallego released the following statement:

"It is an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Arizona's 7th Congressional District in the 114th Congress. I want to thank my constituents for putting their trust in me. I am the proud son of Mexican and Colombian immigrants, and the first in my family to go to college. I am living proof that the American Dream still exists and I am committed to fighting for better opportunities for our families and our kids so they too can achieve their American Dream.

The 114th Congress will face many challenges but we must remember that we are elected to work on behalf of the American people - the constant bickering and the lack of action that plagued the previous Congress were unacceptable. I know the task ahead of us is not an easy one, but I am confident that we can work together in a bipartisan manner to pass much needed reforms that will help Arizona families and make our state and our country stronger.

We need to make higher education more affordable, ensure that veterans and our families get appropriate care and that working families have the resources they need to get ahead, that immigrant families are no longer separated and that teachers have the resources and compensation they deserve. I will work tirelessly to make sure the voices of my constituents are heard and that their needs are met."
