January 04, 2019

Ruben Gallego Joins the New House Democratic Majority to Introduce Historic Anti-Corruption and Fair Elections Reforms

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego joined the new House Democratic majority to introduce H.R.1, the For the People Act, a sweeping package of pro-democracy and anti-corruption reforms. Rep. Gallego released the following statement:

"I am proud that my first action as a Member of the 116th Congress is to cosponsor legislation that will ensure that our voting rights and campaign finance systems reflect our nation's democratic values. As we have seen in Arizona and across the country, the fundamental right to cast a ballot is under attack and too often big money special interests drown out the voices of hard working Americans.

"This transformative voting rights, campaign finance, and ethics reform legislation will help safeguard every Arizonan's access to the polls and ensure elected officials work for the people they represent.

"I urge Congress to quickly pass this legislation that will empower citizens to take back their democracy so we can come together and solve the problems that the American people care about most, like increasing access to quality, affordable health care, promoting job creation and economic development, and reforming our broken immigration system."

More information on H.R. 1 can be found here.