April 04, 2019

Rep. Ruben Gallego’s Statement on the 70th Anniversary of the NATO Alliance

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) issued the following statement:

"NATO is the most successful military alliance in history. Its seven decade long enforcement of the peace and defense of American and European democracy is a testament to its Member states' military power, economic dynamism, and the strength of their free peoples meeting common threats as one.

"Much has changed since 1949 when the Washington Treaty was signed. NATO has proved its resilience in meeting new threats not imagined at its founding. What has always endured is the alliance's commitment to the common defense of our values and tireless work to ensure peace across the North Atlantic region.

"As Washington hosts Secretary General Stoltenberg and as we as an alliance move forward into our 71st year, let every nation know that the United States' commitment to NATO's principles is ironclad. At a time of uncertainty, NATO is a pillar of stability and strength. I will continue to work with the overwhelming majority of my colleagues in Congress, in the Administration, and with our allies and partners to strengthen this critical strategic alliance and preserve the peace for decades to come."

Rep. Gallego and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) also authored an op-ed celebrating NATO's 70th anniversary as part of the Atlantic Council's #NATOat70 campaign to inform community leaders, decisionmakers, and the broader population of NATO's enduring value.

Rep. Gallego is a Marine Corps combat veteran and serves on the House Armed Services Committee.