January 06, 2016

Rep. Ruben Gallego Statement on ICE Raids

Washington, D.C. – Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced in December it would launch a series of home raids targeting Central Americans with outstanding removal orders. According to the Department of Homeland Security, 121 people were taken into custody last weekend. The detained families are from Georgia, Texas, and North Carolina.

Rep. Ruben Gallego issued the following statement:

"Many who recently arrived in the United States from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras were fleeing violence and oppression. These families have already faced severe trauma in their home countries. Invading their homes in the middle of the night only adds to this distress.

"We shouldn't be rushing to send these people back to what we already know to be extremely dangerous and life-threatening situations, especially when they present no threat to national security.

"I continue to urge my colleagues to act to fix our nation's broken immigration laws. Comprehensive reform is the only way we can fully address the many shortcomings of our current immigration system."
