March 04, 2021

Rep. Gallego Votes to Pass Historic Fair Elections and Anti-Corruption Reform Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-07) joined House Democrats to pass H.R. 1, the For the People Act, a sweeping package of pro-democracy and clean elections reforms. Rep. Gallego released the following statement:

"The For the People Act is a transformative bill that will strengthen and protect voting rights, safeguard every American's access to the polls, end the dominance of big money politics, and crack down on corruption in government.

"The 2020 election highlighted the immediate need for comprehensive reform to protect our democracy by shedding light on the rampant voter suppression efforts and extreme partisan gerrymandering that plague our nation's elections. H.R. 1 addresses these structural inequities.

"The For the People Act also takes action to prevent even more restrictive voting measures from being implemented, including some that have been proposed in Arizona. It contains language that would prohibit states from imposing restrictions on voting by mail, including by requiring notarization, like Republicans in the Arizona legislature are trying to do. It prohibits voting roll purges like we saw in Ohio and Georgia, and like the one that has been proposed here in our own state. It requires all states to allow any eligible voter to vote by mail in federal elections – a practice that we here in Arizona have long embraced to much success.

"I am also proud that this bill included the amendment I introduced with Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (NM-03) to improve voting access for people with disabilities living on Tribal land and in rural areas in the Four Corners region. It is one of many measures in the bill that will protect Americans' ability to exercise their right to vote.

"The For the People Act also shines a light on money and special interests in politics, requiring big political spenders to disclose their large donors. It modernizes online ad disclosures and makes sure every political ad includes disclaimers, so people know who is speaking and paying for the ad. It strengthens ethics laws in all three branches of government and closes loopholes for lobbyists and foreign agents.

"The American people are tired of jumping through hoops to exercise their rights, and they are tired of chaos and corruption in government. The right to vote is a cornerstone of American democracy, and governments at every level should work for the American people, not special interests. This bill puts power back in the hands of the American people and leads us down a path to a more equitable future."
