June 22, 2017

Rep. Gallego Statement on the Republican Senate Healthcare Bill

Washington, DC – Today, Senate Republicans finally released their health care bill after weeks of keeping the working product behind closed doors. Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) released the following statement:

"Senate Republican leadership is trying to ram major health care legislation through without holding committee hearings or public debate. This is unprecedented.

"This mean-spirited bill rips health care away from millions of Americans and makes devastating cuts to Medicaid – all to give enormous tax cuts to the wealthiest few who need it the least.

"Thankfully, some Republicans have already voiced strong concerns about this bill's impact on their constituents. If they are serious about these concerns, it will only take three Senators to take a stand and grind this process to a halt.

"Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake face a stark choice – they can do the bidding of Donald Trump and deprive millions of affordable coverage, or they can take steps to defend the health and financial security of the Arizonans they represent. The fate of this deeply misguided legislation rests in their hands.

"The people of Arizona haven't been shy about letting our Senators know how they feel, but it's time to dial up the pressure. Senators McCain and Flake must understand that they owe it to Arizona families to vote no on Trumpcare – and if they don't, Arizonans will hold them accountable."