July 01, 2020

Rep. Gallego Provision to Restore Stars and Stripes Funding Included in House Defense Budget Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the House Armed Services Committee begins its markup the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a provision authored by Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) that would restore federal funding for Stars and Stripes.

"Stars and Stripes was a treasured link to home when I was stationed in Iraq and Okinawa," said Rep. Gallego. "Thousands of troops around the globe rely on them for the kind of news that just isn't covered elsewhere – stories from American bases, the latest Department of Defense news, and transparency coverage that cuts through political and military brass BS talking points. It's exactly the type of honest coverage that our armed forces need, and we weren't going to let the Administration stifle these voices without a fight."

Mr. Gallego's change to the bill follows an attempt by the Pentagon earlier this year to strip Stars and Stripes of all of its federal funding as part of its fiscal year 2021 budget request. Stars and Stripes receives around $8.7 million annually in operations and maintenance funds and around $6.9 million in contingency operations funds. Rep. Gallego's provision in the NDAA restores full funding and requires the Department of Defense to conduct a study on the business case for Stars and Stripes' continued operation.

Rep. Gallego is a Marine Corps combat veteran who served in Iraq. He serves on the House Armed Services Committee.