May 24, 2022

Gallego Statement on Recommendations Released by Base Naming Commission

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Base Naming Commission issued a formal announcement of their recommendations regarding the renaming of nine military installations that were previously named in commemoration of military leaders who served the Confederate States of America. Rep. Gallego helped champion the creation of the Base Naming Commission in the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act to finally remove the names of traitors from U.S. military installations.

Following announcement of the recommendations, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-07) released the following statement:

“U.S. military installations should never have borne the names of traitors who took up arms against the United States to defend the institution of slavery. Congress created the Base Naming Commission not only to right this wrong but to ensure that new names pay tribute to the diversity of individuals and communities who have defended our nation. Last year, I joined my Congressional Hispanic Caucus colleagues in the House in calling on the Naming Commission specifically to rename at least one military base after a Latino military hero. I am thrilled at the announcement today which recommends that Fort Hood, Texas be renamed Fort Cavazos, after General Richard E. Cavazos, a Korean War veteran and the first Mexican-American to reach the rank of 4 star General. This is a historic step forward towards ensuring our military reflects the diversity of and lives up to the ideals of the nation it serves.”

In April 2021, Rep. Gallego led 20 members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in calling for the Naming Commission to rename a mainland American army base after a Latino military hero. The letter also called for a fundamental shift in Army base naming criteria towards a greater emphasis on honoring enlisted servicemembers, respecting the demographics of the community where the base is located, and highlighting the diversity of the U.S military, both historically and today.

The “Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorate the Confederate States of America or Any Person Who Served Voluntarily with the Confederate States of America” (Naming Commission) was created by Congress through the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. Over the past year, the Commission reviewed more than 34,000 submissions about renaming, with 3,670 potential names submitted by the public.

For the full list of the renaming recommendations, click here. For more information on the Naming Commission, click here.