June 14, 2024

Gallego Statement on House Floor Vote on FY 2025 NDAA

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03), a Marine Corps combat veteran and Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations, voted against House passage of H. R. 8070, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 National Defense Authorization Act. After the vote, he released the following statement:

“On the House Armed Services Committee, we worked together to advance a strong, bipartisan NDAA – a bill which I was proud to support and which included important wins I secured for Arizona. But this week, performative politicians in the House took that bill and filled it with extreme amendments, including restricting service members’ access to abortion. I will not stand for attacks against service members and their families, which is why I voted against this extreme version of the bill.

“As a leader on the House Armed Services Committee, I look forward to a Conference Committee process that will produce a bipartisan NDAA that focuses on what matters: taking care of service members and their families, supporting our allies and partners, countering our adversaries, and keeping Arizonans safe.”

Last month, Rep. Gallego voted to advance a bipartisan version of the FY 2025 NDAA out of the House Armed Services Committee. Rep. Gallego’s statement regarding that version of the bill and a list of key provisions he secured can be found HERE.