August 08, 2023

Gallego Statement on Biden’s Arizona Visit

PHOENIX, AZ - Last night, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) spoke with President Biden following his arrival in Arizona.

Statement from Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03)

“I am grateful that President Biden has chosen to visit our state at this critical time. As Arizonans continue to deal with relentless extreme heat, I was grateful to have the opportunity to speak with the President about the need for FEMA to declare extreme heat a disaster. Just as northeasterners don’t have to deal with flooding on their own and midwesterners don’t have to deal with blizzards on their own, Arizona communities shouldn’t have to deal with our increasingly dangerous summers on their own — and I’ll keep pushing to ensure they don’t have to.”

In June, Gallego introduced the bipartisan Extreme Heat Emergency Act to add extreme heat to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) list of major disaster qualifying events. The legislation is supported by the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and the National Association of Counties.