June 07, 2023

Gallego Slams Merck for Lawsuit to Block Drug Price Negotiations

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03), released the following statement in reaction to the pharmaceutical company Merck filing a lawsuit to halt the U.S. government’s ability to negotiate drug prices for Medicare recipients.


“Merck’s attempt to torpedo Medicare drug negotiation is shameless and a desperate attempt to protect its profits at the expense of patients’ health and hard-earned taxpayer dollars,” said Rep. Gallego. “For decades, Arizonans have been forced to pay skyrocketing prescription drug costs because of greedy pharmaceutical companies who callously prey on the sick and suffering. Because of the Inflation Reduction Act, which I proudly supported from the very beginning, these companies will finally have to come to the negotiating table and charge fair prices. That’s a win for Arizonans. But let's also be clear, we can't stop until drug price negotiations benefit all Arizonans, not just those on Medicare. I will remain focused and continue to fight to lower healthcare costs for every Arizonan."