April 04, 2023

Gallego Introduces Legislation to Implement Universal Full-Day Kindergarten

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), along with Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-CA) and Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY), introduced the Universal Full-Day Kindergarten Act, a bill which would create a grant program aimed at expanding access to full-day Kindergarten for families across the country.

“Arizona’s children deserve the same educational opportunities as children in states across the country,” said Rep. Gallego. “As a father, I’m greatly concerned that many states, including Arizona, do not offer full-day K, which has been proven to provide long-term academic and behavioral benefits. Every investment in our children is one that will pay dividends, and I’m proud to lead my colleagues in this effort today.”

The bill allows States and Tribes to apply for federal funds to carry out no-cost, high-quality, full-day Kindergarten programs taught by qualified teachers. It would also require the Department of Education to release an annual report on the availability of full-day Kindergarten across states.

“High quality, full-day kindergarten unlocks the potential for every child to be the best, brightest, and happiest versions of themselves,” said Rep. Sara Jacobs. “On top of that, this is one of the best investments we can make – in our kids, families, and our economy. That’s why I’m so proud to co-lead the Universal Full-Day Kindergarten Act so that all children have the early tools needed for future success.”

“An investment in our children is an investment in our future and our economy,” said Rep. Ritchie Torres (NY-15). “That’s why I’m proud to join my colleagues in co-leading the Universal Full-Day Kindergarten Act. Every child, regardless of where they live or where they come from, deserves access high-quality education with the tools and resources they need to learn, grow, thrive, and succeed.”

“Early education and kindergarten create a strong foundation not only for learning, but also for creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. That’s why we support bills like Rep. Gallego’s because it helps make this a reality for more and more children. Investment in our kids is the most important move we can make, and our youngest students benefit from early access to socialization, play, and instruction to help guide their social and emotional development and success in the later school years. I want to thank Reps. Gallego, Jacobs, and Torres for their leadership on helping all children in every state have access to free full day kindergarten,” said The American Federation of Teachers.

“Investing in children to have access to high-quality education is the best return on investment that can be made. We know how important and critical early childhood education in the early stages of life is to support a quality life. This is why we are excited for Congressman Gallego to re-introduce the Universal Full-Day Kindergarten Act,” said Arizona Head Start Association.

“Latinos for Education is pleased to endorse Rep. Gallego’s ‘Universal Full-Day Kindergarten Act’”, said Amanda Fernandez, CEO and Founder, Latinos for Education. “Research shows that Latino students benefit greatly from access to early childhood education programs, including full day Kindergarten. Unfortunately, Latino children are less likely to have access to high quality programs. We commend the Congressman for expanding access to full day kindergarten so more families and children can benefit from these programs.” 

"Save Our Schools Arizona is grateful to Rep. Gallego for supporting Arizona students, parents, and educators with the Universal Full-Day Kindergarten Act,” said Beth Lewis, Executive Director, Save Our Schools Arizona. “All children in Arizona should have access to all-day kindergarten, but the Arizona legislature only funds half-day kindergarten. We appreciate national efforts to fill this massive deficit. We encourage Congress to pass this legislation to provide a critical foundation that sets Arizona students up for a lifetime of success."

"Rep. Gallego's bill on Universal Full Day Kindergarten would benefit many children across the state of Arizona and the nation, with a great return on investment. I applaud and fully support the efforts of Representatives Gallego, Jacobs, and Torres with this bill," said Dr. Paul Tighe, Executive Director of Arizona School Administrators, which represents over 1,500 school leaders from across Arizona.

The state of Arizona neither funds nor requires full day kindergarten. Arizona only funds half-day kindergarten, which is less than two hours per instructional day. School districts that do offer full day kindergarten have to pull money from elsewhere in their budget to pay for it, which strains an already underfunded public school system, or charge tuition, which means it’s not going to be accessible to all families. Not having full day kindergarten increases childcare costs or keeps some parents out of the workforce. Full day kindergarten would benefit students, parents, teachers, and businesses.

Studies show that enrollment in full-day Kindergarten improves children’s short and long-term academic outcomes, especially for those who are low income, students of color, and English learners. Evidence also points to increased non-academic benefits of full-day Kindergarten programs, including children’s socioemotional development and families’ overall wellbeing. Kindergarten also provides continuity of learning and builds on foundational skills that children learn in preschool.

Endorsing Organizations: NEA, AFT, Arizona Head Start Association, Save Our Schools Arizona, Latinos for Education, Arizona School Boards Association

For a full bill text, click here.