May 03, 2023

Gallego Hosts Press Conference to Support Exposure-Related Cancer Benefits for First Responders

PHOENIX, AZ – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) held a press conference with first responders to discuss his support of the Honoring our Fallen Heroes Act of 2023 (HONOR Act) and additional ways Congress can support our nation’s first responders.

“When a fire burns, and people run away, our firefighters run in. Their bravery is unmatched, but tragically their commitment to protecting our communities leaves them exposed to harmful toxins and carcinogens,” said Rep. Ruben Gallego. “Listening to the stories of firefighters and their families today, it is unacceptable just how often they are left to tackle medical care and costs, alone. That is why Congress must pass the HONOR Act and we must continue to work to support our brave first responders.”

Rep. Gallego was joined by Stephen Gilman, International Association of Fire Fighters 10th District Vice President; Gilberto Aguirre, a United Goodyear Fire Fighter currently battling leukemia; and Angela Madrid, a widow whose husband Trevor passed away from Synovial Carcinoma.

The HONOR Act would add a presumptive benefit under the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) program for exposure-related cancers that they are more likely to suffer from because of their profession. The PSOB program provides federal disability and death benefits to first responders and their families.

The connection between firefighting and cancer is well known. Cancer is now the leading cause of line-of-duty death among fire fighters, and fire fighters are 14% more likely to die of cancer than the general population.

During the event, Rep. Gallego also spoke about his support for FEMA’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant programs. Since fiscal year 2020, these two funding streams have distributed more than $86 million to communities throughout the Grand Canyon State.