July 14, 2024

Gallego Demands Accountability for Security Failures that Enabled Trump Assassination Attempt

PHOENIX – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03), sent a letter to U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle calling for accountability and demanding answers regarding the security failure that enabled the assassination attempt on President Trump.

“Yesterday’s incident, which led to the tragic death of an onlooker and several injuries, including to President Trump, raises grave concerns regarding the security measures – or lack thereof – that were taken to protect a former President of the United States and a Major Presidential Candidate,” wrote Rep. Gallego. “I call on all those responsible for the planning, approving, and executing of this failed security plan to be held accountable and to testify before Congress immediately.”

To understand what led to yesterday’s security failure and prevent future incidents, Rep. Gallego demanded answers to the following questions:

  • Did the Trump campaign request additional protection or resources for this event? If so, were those resources denied, and why?

  • Did the Secret Service detail, separate from President Trump’s campaign team, request additional resources?

  • Who approved the security plan for this event?

  • Was a proper threat assessment of nearby buildings conducted?

  • Did attendees of the event raise any alarms? If so, how were any concerns handled before the attempted assassination?

  • Were there any failures in protocol that enabled the shooting? If not, how was President Trump, one of only six living current or former Presidents and a current Major Presidential Candidate, almost assassinated, and what needs to change?

  • Will the Secret Service reconsider its denial of protection for Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.?

“We are a nation of laws and of free and fair elections. It is why we are the greatest country in the world,” Rep. Gallego concludes. “This was a security failure at the highest level, not seen since the attempted assassination of President Reagan. This cannot happen, and I demand accountability.”

Full text of the letter can be found HERE.