August 06, 2024

Gallego Crosses the Aisle, Becomes First Democrat to Back Bill Expediting CBP Hiring

PHOENIX – Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) has become the first Democrat to back the Anti-Border Corruption Improvement Act. The legislation would remove the polygraph requirement for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) applicants who have prior law enforcement experience or military security clearances.

“When I meet with CBP and border community leaders, one of the first things they mention to me is the shortage of CBP officers,” said Rep. Gallego. “Securing our border should be a bipartisan issue, which is why I’m proud to be the first to cross the aisle and support this commonsense legislation to expedite CBP hiring. Law enforcement officers and veterans who have already served our country once shouldn’t face unnecessary hurdles to serving again.”

Background On Rep. Gallego’s Wins To Support Arizona’s Border Communities:

Following numerous letters urging the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Biden Administration to deliver Arizona’s frontline border communities essential resources to deal with the border crisis, as well as a one-on-one call with Sec. Mayorkas, Rep. Gallego announced in September 2023 that he had secured over $2 million in emergency funding from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to support Arizona’s border communities as they address an increase in migrant crossings.

After close coordination with Arizona’s non-profits, border community leaders, and law enforcement officials, Rep. Gallego rolled out his plan to institute sweeping reforms to address the problems plaguing FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program (SSP) that has shortchanged Arizona’s border communities on the front line of the border crisis.

In December, Rep. Gallego traveled across Arizona meeting with border community leaders. He met with local officials, farmers, and business owners in Yuma to discuss the impact the closing of the Lukeville Port of Entry had on their businesses and Arizona’s economy, and he visited Nogales, Bisbee, and Tucson to meet with local leaders, nonprofit officials, and representatives from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to discuss the impact of increased migration on Arizona’s border communities.

To stop the flow of fentanyl across the border, Rep. Gallego introduced the Buck Stops Here Act to authorize the U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network to designate financial institutions, transaction classes, or accounts as primary money laundering concerns in connection to illicit fentanyl trafficking. This bill was signed into law in April 2024.

Also in April, Rep. Gallego announced $54,573,093 in funding from SSP to support Arizona’s border communities on the frontlines of the border crisis. Rep. Gallego helped secure $650 million in SSP funding as part of the fiscal year 2024 government funding package. He immediately called on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to swiftly disperse the funds and to prioritize Arizona border communities.

In May, Rep. Gallego introduced the Direct Hire Act and the Screening Efficiency Act, both aimed at speeding up migrant processing and providing relief to Arizona’s frontline border communities.