August 12, 2023

Gallego Backs Bills to Support Arizona Downwinders

PHOENIX, AZ – Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) announced his support for the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments and the Downwinders Parity Act – two bills to provide compensation and justice for Arizonans exposed to radiation from nuclear testing and uranium mining.

“For years, Arizonans were the unwitting victims of dangerous radiation. Some were down in the mines, producing uranium, others were simply going about their day-to-day lives,” said Rep. Gallego. “Everyone who was exposed to radiation before modern safety standards deserves to be compensated for the harms they suffered, which is why I’m backing these bills.”

The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) compensates those injured due to exposure to radiation from nuclear testing and uranium production. Rep. Gallego voted to extend RECA for two years in May 2022.

The RECA Amendments would strengthen RECA, including by extending the program to cover uranium miners who mined after 1971 and delaying the program’s sunset date. The Downwinders Parity Act, which is included as part of the comprehensive RECA Amendments, expands RECA to include all of Mohave County, Arizona.

The RECA Amendments were included in the Senate-passed version of the National Defense Authorization Act. The final compromise NDAA is now being negotiated between the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, of which Rep. Gallego is a member.

Gallego also supports the Uranium Miners and Workers Act which would extend RECA benefits to those working in a uranium mine or mill or those transporting uranium until December 31, 1978. It would also extend RECA for an additional 4 years.