April 14, 2023

Gallego Announces $10 Million for Affordable Housing in Phoenix

PHOENIX, AZ – Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03), announced Arizona will receive a $10 million grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support Choice Neighborhoods Implementation in Phoenix.

“As our city continues to experience a crisis of housing affordability, I’m excited to announce $10 million in federal affordable housing funding is coming to Phoenix,” said Rep. Gallego. “The Choice Neighborhoods program supports stable housing options for the most vulnerable members of our community through redevelopment of distressed properties, support services for residents, and neighborhood investments to promote economic development. I’m proud to support this funding, and I will keep fighting for additional federal resources to ensure every Arizonan has access to quality, affordable housing.”

The funding will be used for construction of new, high-quality, mixed-income housing, including three affordable housing neighborhoods in Phoenix: Sidney P. Osborn Homes, AL Krohn Homes, and Frank Luke Homes. Since the program’s inception, the Choice Neighborhoods program has seen 11,000 new mixed-income units built across 44 cities, with more than 32,000 units planned. This supplemental grant provides additional funds to current Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grantees to address disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last month, Rep. Gallego and Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego toured the Soluna II housing development in Phoenix, highlighting the city’s continued effort to increase housing supply and get more Arizonans housed, affordably. In March, Rep. Gallego proudly announced more than $93.5 million in HUD funding to support affordable housing, community development and homeless assistance in Arizona. That’s on top of the nearly $11 million Rep. Gallego secured as part of last year’s FY23 Community Project Funding Requests to support affordable housing development in Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District.