May 05, 2023

Gallego, Adams Introduce Legislation to Strengthen the Teacher Workforce

WASHINGTON, DC – Ahead of Teacher Appreciation Week, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03), along with Reps. Alma Adams (NC-12) and Emilia Sykes (OH-13) and Sens. Jack Reed (D-RI), Bob Casey (D-PA), and Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), introduced the EDUCATORS for America Act to strengthen the teacher preparation pipeline and expand the teacher workforce.

“Educators are the foundation of our country's future, showing up day in and day out to ensure our children receive the education they deserve,” said Rep. Gallego. “Arizona is in the midst of a teacher shortage, and it is imperative we recruit a diverse, qualified educator workforce. I’m proud to co-lead the comprehensive EDUCATORS for America Act, which equips states and communities with the tools they need to build a strong and well-supported educator pipeline.”

Under the proposed legislation, the $1 billion annual investment in the educator pipeline would be evenly divided between state capacity building and direct support for educator preparation programs and partnerships with high need school districts.  It addresses the full pipeline from early outreach and career exploration to financial assistance and wrap around supports for those pursuing education careers to clinical preparation for teachers, principals and other educators to faculty development, all with a focus on ensuring equity and diversity.

“As an educator for forty years, I know how hard our educators work, and how important they are to the future of our country. Unfortunately, aspiring teachers are often discouraged by high student debt, low salaries, and the lack of institutional support,” said Rep. Adams. “We can’t let the Great Resignation and nationwide staffing shortages harm our children. That’s why the EDUCATORS for America Act is so important. If passed, this legislation will mobilize and support states and local communities in improving the educator pipeline so that all schools have the diverse educators they should have, to support student development and academic achievement. It will support educator preparation programs and partnerships and remove financial barriers to entering the education profession. Today’s labor market is confusing, but we can't wait for the next generation of teachers to appear: we must act to recruit and retain qualified, hard-working teachers in the classroom. That's why I'm proud to introduce the EDUCATORS for America Act with Senator Reed and my House colleagues as partners.”

The bill would strengthen the educator workforce, address the shortage of teachers, and support comprehensive educator preparation.  It would annually authorize $500 million for grants to states that develop strategies to meet their educator workforce needs and another $500 million to enhance educator preparation programs.  The bill would also expand the Teacher Quality Partnership Program to expand programs for principals and address the need for specialized personnel, such as early childhood educators and counselors; reauthorize the Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence Program for teacher preparation efforts at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions; and double federal TEACH grants to $8,000 per year.

Full text of the legislation can be found here.