August 19, 2015

Two Congressmen Don't Want Donald Trump's Name On D.C. Hotel

Ever since Donald Trump announced his campaign to run for President—and subsequently opened his mouth—the backlash against his hotel at the Old Post Office in D.C. has intensified.

First, celebrity chef José Andrés pulled out of a deal to open a new restaurant in the under-construction hotel after Trump's controversial remarks on immigrants, and now an Arizona congressman wants to keep the Republican presidential candidate's name off of the hotel.

The Washington Times reports that Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) sent a letter to U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell last week asking to keep Trump's name off of the new hotel he's building in D.C.

"Trump's recent and repeated remarks disparaging women, Mexican-Americans, and other
Latinos are hateful, divisive and completely inaccurate," the letter, which was co-signed by Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.), reads. "We firmly believe this kind of repulsive speech has no place in our public discourse. As a result of these comments, the Trump name is now inextricably linked to the anti-immigrant, anti-Latino and anti-women sentiments that he continues to loudly and publicly espouse."

In the letter, they also cite Jewell and President Barack Obama's efforts to keep the Washington football team's off of public land as precedent for their request, writing that this is "in keeping" with policy.

So far, Trump's spokespeople haven't publicly commented on the letter. You can read the full letter below:

Letter to Sec. Jewell and Acting Admin. Roth Re Trump by Congressman Ruben Gallego

Source: Matt Cohen - DCist