January 16, 2024

REPORT: Gallego Highlights His Fight to Cut Costs for Arizonans

Report describes Rep. Gallego’s work ‘fighting to lower costs, hold corporate price gougers accountable, and get the job done to make Arizona more affordable for hardworking families finally.’

WASHINGTON, DC — Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) today released a new report, Cutting Costs for Arizonans: How Rep. Gallego is Fighting to Make Life More Affordable for Hardworking Families, that highlights his ongoing efforts in Congress to drive down costs for everyday necessities, hold big corporations accountable, protect Arizona’s most precious resources, and support parents who are trying to take care of their children.

“I grew up working every job I could to help support my mom in raising me and my three sisters. I understand the impact of rising prices on hardworking Arizona families and the toll that takes on parents and kids,” said Rep. Gallego. “It can be tough to juggle it all, and that’s why in Congress I’ve been fighting to cut costs on everything from gas and groceries to housing and child care. This report underscores those efforts and lays out my vision of how we get the job done for hardworking Arizonans.”

The report details Arizona families' challenges with rising costs in different aspects of their lives. Section by section, the report highlights Rep. Gallego’s work to bring those costs down. This means supporting Arizonans to combat rising costs:

  • At Home;
  • With the Family;
  • At the Pharmacy;
  • At the Store; and
  • On the Go.

One such example detailed in the report is prescription drug costs. Between July 2021 and July 2022, there were over 1,200 drugs whose prices increased faster than inflation, despite historic inflation that year — resulting in record profits for pharmaceutical companies. The average price increase for those drugs was 31.6%.

These price increases mean more and more Arizonans travel across the border to Mexico each year to buy prescription drugs.

That’s why Rep. Gallego not only was a strong supporter of the Inflation Reduction Act, but he has introduced legislation such as the Lower Drug Costs for Families Act, to extend the Medicare rebate provision of the IRA to the commercial market and protect all Arizonans from Big Pharma price gouging — saving Arizonans on their next trip to the pharmacy. 

Click here to read the full report.